Why is reading important?

Reading is essential. It is a pleasure. When you read, you expose yourself to new information, to new ways to solve problems, to different options to reach your goals. It can even lead you to discover new passions, new interests that you had not even contemplated before. The first explorations in life begin with reading. Imagination will take you to distant places and past or future times. It will help you understand the world and its protagonists.

In turn, exploring the world through letters will make you a better person. Both children and adults can begin to discover what are the best actions to take in the face of life’s challenges. It will teach you about morals and about ethics. It will give you tools to be successful and to overcome difficulties. It will make you wiser.

Whenever in doubt, read. In the writings, people have captured their experiences, their mistakes and their learning. They are toolboxes that teach how society works, life itself and its different dimensions. If one day you do not understand why a phenomenon occurs, the first thing you should do is go find a book that sheds light on its causes.

Reading will also provide you with communication tools. It will give you vocabulary and knowledge. It will help you connect with other people and be more tolerant of cultural and social differences. If you read, you will not only improve your creativity but also your analytical skills and, with it, your understanding of reality.

And, of course, reading is fun. It awakens emotions and feelings. It moves you, makes you smile and arouses your wonder. As if this were not enough, those who read have better concentration and strengthen their memory.


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